I know the word 'osem' or 'ohsem' from someone's blog. Capturing. Dan ramai orang suka format bahasa beliau. Well, masing-masing ada cara dan gaya tersendiri dalam berbahasa.
Being awesome is not something that can pop out of your mouth or your laptop keyboard.
Itu NATO (no action talk only) atau keyboard warrior.
You are awesome if you have some idea, that will change your current state of actions and thinking, and turn you into a better Muslim.
Muslims shouldn't be paralyzed by the traditions or norms. But unfortunately, most people are. Sejak zaman Nabi dulu lagi. Bila diajak kepada agama menyembah Allah, mereka menolak kerana mereka rasa agama yang diagungkan oleh nenek moyang mereka dah cukup. Mengikut-ngikut, tanpa menyelidik kebenaran agama yang diikuti. Hanya bersangka-sangka dan menduga, bukannya ada pengetahuan dan maklumat yang jelas tentang hal itu.
Sampai la sekarang. Disebabkan norma kita, atau realiti kita, atau waqi' kita pada hari ini ialah 'demokrasi', maka idea di luar demokrasi iaitu Khilafah dianggap asing dan ekstrem dan mustahil dan gila! Apa nak heran, ramai je Nabi yang dikata gila oleh umatnya.
Do not be tradition or norm paralyzed. You'll go nowhere by installing and utilizing that kind of thinking.
Never wonder why Islam was at the top of the world? Because they think out of the tradition and norm. How did they gain the confidence? Allah. The believe in Allah and His Messenger saw, they knew something would happen and they worked towards that something.
Think out of the box please. Tolong la jangan terkurung dalam waqi'. Ini isu Islamic Uprising, sayang weh.
Then kita akan jadi super awesome Muslims.
5 months ago